Lightworker´s Supervision

In a supervision session I advise and coach social workers, therapists, healers and mentors


What is a Supervision?

In a supervision session I advise and coach social workers, therapists, healers and mentors in a clairvoyant way through energy readings, systemic analyses and case reviews.

As a healer it can be helpful to have your healing session supervised. This session can take place via zoom. I clairvoyantly witness your energetic work and give you detailed feedback afterwards on how you have worked with the client. I know from many healers that they feel the energy flowing through them, but they do not know in detail which frequencies and colour energies they may be working with.  A clairvoyant supervision can help you gain even more clarity and confidence in your own abilities.

How does it work?

If you are a mentor, therapist or social worker, clairvoyant supervision can support you in understanding your client's whole system and background even more. In a clairvoyant supervision, information such as personal karma, family karma, the energy body of the supervised client, as well as the family system in which your client may be living, will be revealed.

Is this for you?

You will benefit from a clairvoyant supervision if:

  • you are an energetic healer and are curious about how your intuive healing session looks and takes effect energetically.

  • you are a mentor, therapist or social worker and want to view your case from various broad energetic perspectives and have your work monitored. 

Book your supervision.

For more information about the organisation of your supervision, click here.

Book your appointment here